Data Capture market Growing...

Last year, the total market for document capture software grew by 6.8% to a total of $1.9 billion. The projected growth for the coming years is 9.5% adding up to a total market value of $2.8 billion in 2012

moving again from thick client to thin client market

As we all suspected,now market is moving towards thin client baser systems connected to cloud services running in huge data centers. so to run a IT solution we dont need any thick intelligent powerful boxes within premises where solution is running. now the hardware market is going to run crazy once the cloud becomes matured. so we are almost moving towards mainframe era. we need to accept it and for sure its fpr our good. as i blogged previously a device like ipad with frills of gps,hspda,rich browser connected to cloud ie enough to help with any IT solution.
so lets gear up

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What is Twitter 'Verified' Account

Any account with a 'blue check logo' is a verified account. Twitter is beta testing solutions to establish authenticity of well known accounts so users can trust that the accounts they follow are legitimate. When viewing verified accounts, Twitter users know that tweets coming from well known personalities, organizations, government agencies, and others on Twitter are the real thing!

What kinds of accounts get verified?

Right now only verifying a handful of accounts, including well known accounts at risk of repeated, proven impersonation, and government agencies. Able to verify a small number of accounts now, but working on verifying more types of accounts in the future.

How do I get verified?

Log into the account you want to verify and fill Make sure you're actively tweeting, your account is public, and your Twitter profile (name, bio, picture, website, etc.) is complete! Include the contact information of an agent/publicist/person that we can contact as an additional point of verification if necessary.

I'm using Twitter for business. Can I verify my account?

Not yet. Twitter is alpha testing verification for businesses.Check our business section for more updates!

I'm an agency/organization; how do I verify my client's Twitter accounts?

Every verification request must come from the account requesting verification. If you're an agency or organization contacting Twitter on your client's behalf, please be sure they've filled out the form and their account is public and actively tweeting. Find out more here!

What can I do to make verification faster?

Linking to your Twitter profile from an official website is the fastest way to get verified. (For example, The New York Times links to reporters profiles on their official website.) If an official website links back to your Twitter profile, send the link to the page. (A link to the exact page is best so we know where to find it!) Anything that will help us validate your will make things faster.

Why is verification denied?

If you're not tweeting, your profile isn't complete, you haven't included enough information for us to verify you, your account is protected or isn't at risk for identity confusion, the account may not be verified. More information about why accounts aren't verified is here. Because of the time and cost it takes to do each one, we're only able to verify a small number of people. twitter working on a better way to verify more people in the future!

I lost my verified badge! What do I do?

For security reasons, changes made to your profile result in the loss of the badge. If you've lost your verified badge, just log into your account and re-apply.

Information courtesy

Election Candidate not getting back deposits...whats the scenario...

Indian election scenario we generally hear about is ...'this contestent will not even get his deposit' what is the meaning of contestent not getting his deposit...
First of all, for a candidate to contest in polls, he or she needs to submit their nomination papers at the EC offices in their respective states. Those whose nominations are found valid should have deposited Rs.10000 as a security Deposit if he/she is contesting for a Lok Sabha seat or Rs.5000 for an Assembly Seat. The amount to be deposited is half the above in the case of candidate under Schedule caste or Schedule tribe.

The amount deposited will either be returned back to the depositor or forfeited to the Government of India according to some conditions.

Conditions when the amount is returned back to the depositor:

The nomination made by the candidate if found to be invalid.
The candidate has withdrawn his nomination even though it is found valid.
The candidate dies before the commencement of polls.
The candidate lost the polls but secured 1/6th of the total number of valid votes polled in that election.
The candidate has won the election.
he candidate has won the election even if he/she has not secured 1/6th of the total valid votes.
Incase of a SC/ST candidate depositing Rs.10000 or Rs.5000, as the case may be, not knowing the fact that he/she has to deposit only half that amount, the excess amount will be returned back to the candidate.
Alternatively a candidate has to forfeit his/her deposit if they fail to secure at least 1 vote greater than 1/6th of the total valid votes.

This has cleared my long standing doubt..hope the same with all :)

BB launched new RIM OS 6

All of this new behavior comes courtesy of BlackBerry OS 6, which was also introduced with the new phone. If you've got a Bold or a 3G Pearl, you'll have the chance to upgrade should your carrier allow it; everybody else will need new hardware to enjoy the new OS.

The name for the device itself actually comes from a key acquisition that helped BlackBerry match its competitors: the company bought Torch Mobile specifically because it offered a WebKit-based browser with excellent HTML5 compatibility. It was difficult to test the browser thoroughly because of the oversubscribed wireless connectivity at the introduction, but the pages that did load displayed nicely in both portrait and landscape mode.

RIM will also let developers create standalone HTML5 apps, which will have full access to the device's services, such as calendar and contact lists, and to the GPS-derived location information.

Beyond making Web browsing a central experience, most of the features RIM highlighted in the new OS involve taking existing user favorites and enhancing them. For example, the notification bar, which shows incoming e-mails, messages, and social networking updates, can now be clicked to slide out a preview of the messages so that users can get an idea of whether something requires an urgent response. The home screen has been redesigned around multiple categories: frequently used applications, user favorites, etc. Contacts can also be placed there for easy access.

A universal feed app will aggregate messages, RSS items, social networking updates, etc. into a single screen. Selecting any item from this list will open the application dedicated to that content. RIM happily pointed out how having a true multitasking operating system makes this sort of behavior simple.

There are some completely new features as well. Like iOS, BlackBerry will now have universal search. Typing in the bar will bring up messages, applications, contacts, meetings, and settings that match partial search strings. Third-party developers will also get the opportunity to offer the data produced by their apps to the search function.

To enhance consumer appeal, BlackBerry has significantly beefed up its media capabilities. Music and photos can now be synced over WiFi with a user's PC. The music software will actually obtain the entire music library's metadata, allowing users to manage content and playlists, even for songs that aren't currently on the device (they'll be synced later if requested). Photos can now be organized on the device as well.