Tech predictions going forward

So what is the game changer in 2010 and what's going to be the life changers going forward coming 5 yrs(decade predictions are crap..u can never guess).
So let me guess what's going to change life till 2015.
1. Handheld ... It becomes very normal like a laptop
Nowadays ...
2. Android ... Android is going to rule the world starting with tablet,virtually any small device..
3. Tablet .. The world want a touch's the requirement of today...this is a huge game changer
4. Wearable computing: u carry's not device bound..u can move/view dat where ever u want...

That's few folks...lot more to come..


Unknown said...

Hi Sanjay,

This is sasanka. Hope u still remember. Do u advice me to stick to Industrial Automation domain (have an offer with Honeywell hyd) or venture elsewhere. Have got an offer with a small company called Seneca-Global. What is your take on it. Please give me your advise

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