whats bigthing about Google Instant

Almost spent whole day today to dive into what google has done to get this instant search. Learnt good as well bad side.
Yes, they had all this technologies before but now identified a formula to mix them to make a user as information scientist.
Previously a normal user would have spent lots and lots of time to search what they want, now he becomes scientist and gets what he wants in matter of milli seconds.
Here are the great things behind what google presented as part of instant

1. Suggestions are skytouching now. They have loads of local aspects attached before throwing suggestion. As before this is pre-search on the google server before even u type. Mostly google servers thinking what u want before u type-in and giving you those suggestions. Here i see a great deal of hidden business aspirations which we cant see today.
2. Instant results : Ofcourse this is what is demostrated as part of instant by naked eye. But This is purely again depeding on point 1. They are now showing as if results are like same old. NO, you can clearely see results are not same as old engine
3. Didnt think about AdBusiness and SEO : this now looks like killing lot of seo as user might not get to real page until he gets what he wants from search bar itself. So where is the business with keywords for paid results, seo, adwords etc?
So lot of depending business is axed with this.
It will take sometime to comeback on this.

They are going to take sometime to deploy regionally...why ..because lots of local facts connected to their future business has to be captured.
Finally , how about on Mobile, which is the future of computing? There are lots of constraints on the small display devices. Virtual keyboards eat up a lot.
Excited to see how they come on these devices.

Overall, Instant is a great technology, but great burden on servers, u r making users as scientists.

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